Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Journalism and Objectivity outdone by Letterman?

David Letterman took former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich to task on his show the other night. A blogger at a Tampa Bay newspaper was able to point out something that we have been talking about: Journalists having to hide behind the veil of objectivity.

"I've said this before about Jon Stewart; the power of non-journalists in these situations is that they don't have to pretend they don't have a point of view, and they can ask questions where the answer is almost beside the point. Letterman is essentially saying over and over to Blago, "I think you're a weasel," in a way that few traditional news anchors could manage without serious criticism."
Eric Deggans

Pretty interesting to see this bubbling up more and more in the journalism world.

Read the rest here.

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