Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tactical media and Proposition 8

Found this article in the NY Times this morning to be pretty interesting and representative of what we have been talking about in class. The article discusses how these new forms of media and technology in combination with laws for open governing are highlighting a double-edged sword. is the latest, most striking example of how information collected through disclosure laws intended to increase the transparency of the political process, magnified by the powerful lens of the Web, may be undermining the same democratic values that the regulations were to promote.

With tools like eightmaps — and there are bound to be more of them — strident political partisans can challenge their opponents directly, one voter at a time. The results, some activists fear, could discourage people from participating in the political process altogether.

That is why the soundtrack to is a loud gnashing of teeth among civil libertarians, privacy advocates and people supporting open government. The site pits their cherished values against each other: political transparency and untarnished democracy versus privacy and freedom of speech.

“When I see those maps, it does leave me with a bit of a sick feeling in my stomach,” said Kim Alexander, president of the California Voter Foundation, which has advocated for open democracy. “This is not really the intention of voter disclosure laws. But that’s the thing about technology. You don’t really know where it is going to take you.”

1 comment:

  1. This is a perfect example of what we all know but often forget--technology is only as cool/democratic/revolutionary/(add anything) as the people who use it.
