Sunday, January 11, 2009

NIN/Trek Fan Video and Participatory Culture

Since we are reading about participatory culture and fan vids. I thought I'd share one of my personal favorites. As both a Nine Inch Nails and Star Trek fan, this really hits a special spot for me. 

In many ways it exemplifies a lot of the elements of participatory culture that Chapter 2 of Networked Cultures discusses. Specifically the paring, which is pulled from sexual tension found in the canon itself. It seems like one way fans can stick mainstream corporate production. Interestingly, the owners of the copyright frequently have big problems with parings their fans come up with. That said, this is a great song-vid.


  1. Very hot, Leo! I think YouTube is an excellent venue to bring queer readings of mainstream discourses to an entirely new level. Personally, I am more of a Star Trek TNG fan. This is a piece that parodies Brokeback Mountain:

  2. Haha for starters eww... Wesley is like 16 years old and Picard is what, 60 something? It's interesting how parings often breach social norms in very strong ways like that. What a great trailer. If only they could have snuck in just a pinch of Closer, it may have been my all time favorite.
