Sunday, January 18, 2009

Video as a reference tool

This is a little off topic for right now, but I found this really interesting.

Here's an article from the NY Times highlighting how younger users of digital content are adapting and changing early notions of how information is found and consumed.

Do you think of searching YouTube for reference info first rather than using Google? Sounds like 9-year-olds are going through that process. The article highlights the fact that searches on YouTube have surpassed Yahoo! as the second most searched site, of course with Google in first. Funny thing, Google owns YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. you know, i have started using youtube in such a way. it is a great source for instructional videos and sometimes it's a great place to start out when learning about a new subject because video can incorporate more learning features, like switching from diagrams to images, speech, etc. last quarter when i was researching the semantic web, finding videos on youtube helped me understand exactly what it was before i went on to research other sources.
